HIV and AIDS in Papua province have been included as a generalized epidemic with prevalence of 2.4% (IBBS, 2006), override the largest population of productive age (15 – 49 years old) and 30% of it is young people between 15- 24 years old. The high population of sex workers, drug users, free-sex, highly influence the prevalence rate of HIV and AIDS, and this makes everyone in Papua (parents, children, children of school age, adolescence, and youth) is at high risk of HIV infection and AIDS.
Also, other factors that affecting the increase prevalence of HIV-AIDS are education factor, cultural, low economic, sexual deviation, low health, alcohol and alcohol, VCT services are not maximized and high population mobility.
2. STHP Data – 2006, prevalence of HIB and AIDs among young people in Papua :
* From 4.967 cases, the 54 % ( 968 cases ) is the productive age (15 – 30 years old).
* From 4305 HIV and AIDs cases on September 2008, 97 % of transmissions is through free sex.
* In age group 15 to 24 years old the HIV and AIDS prevalence shows that boys are higher than girls.
* According to IBBS - 2006, there is a gender gap exists between men and women in HIV prevalence (Male 2,9 %; Female 1,9 %).
* STHP-2006 shows that the prevalence rate of HIV and AIDS is caused by the largest first sexual relations, elementary and secondary school 3.3%, 2.3% performed at the age of 15-24 years (middle school age and university), and only 1, 9% at the age of 25 years and over.
* The Increase of number of HIV and AIDS prevalence among young people and students is a phenomenon that must be overcome to suppress the epidemic, today the number consists of 2251 people
* This case shows that teenagers in schools are very vulnerable to various disorders that can lead to children dropping out of school. Unhealthy behavior such as drug abuse, lack of knowledge about reproductive health that leads to sex, can increase the prevalence of HIV and AIDS.
3. The appropriate positive KIE impacts for students
Another survey showed that people, especially most of the students from elementary, junior high, high school and college, do not receive information about HIV and AIDS from the media /other people and not from teachers.
Information and education which will be undertaken through schools are very effective to increase students' knowledge in schools about HIV and AIDS, Drugs, and early Sexuality
The more higher the education level of the students is, the more greater number of them who heard information about HIV and AIDS, Drugs and sexuality.
School principal is a key position and his impact is very significant in improving the quality of school management. Besides as a leader, the roles of school principals which are not less important is also as educator, administrator, supervisor, marketer, and negotiator.
Based on the roles and functions as the principal mentioned above, a major task in relation to the prevention of HIV and AIDS, Drugs, and sexuality, including:
* Develop a work plan and implementation of programs to mainstream HIV and AIDS, Drugs and Sexuality in schools and outside schools
* Ability to empower the effectiveness KKG, MGMP in developing teaching material and learning media, and disseminate information about healthy living behaviors
* Re-empowering the role of health school unit ( UKS ) at schools to support the implementation of healthy school
* Able to create and support the implementation of the program "School Culture" about stopping HIV and AIDS, Drugs and Sexuality in and outside of schools.
* Able to build internal and external networks to gain support for the school committee, parents and the community and relevants stakeholders
* Being the initiator and major sponsor of the organization of material preparation KTSP subject of HIV and AIDS prevention, Drugs and Sexuality
* Optimizing the role of teacher guidance counseling and other subjects in the response to overcoming HIV and AIDS, Drugs and sexuality
According to interviews with several principals and teachers, data and information shown as follows:
* In general, the principal had followed socialization of HIV and AIDS prevention, Drugs and Sexuality organized by the Department of Education, Youth and Sports of Papua Province and other organizations such as UNICEF, World Vision and etc.
* Principal is expected to be the main sponsor of the dissemination of information about HIV and AIDS, Drugs and Sexuality for teachers, students, school committees, parents and other citizens of schools
* The model of learning approaching about HIV and AIDS, drugs and sexuality is very effective , if given through life skill education interestingly and democratically.
* Peer education, student clubs, painting competition, wall magazine, drama, poetry and Papua MOP (jokes) are an effective vehicle for knowledge transformation and skills to support the success of education and prevention of HIV and AIDS, Drugs and Sexuality
* Based on the results of the agreement between the central chief of Department of National Education and Department of Education, Youth and Sport of Papua province and the chief of UNICEF in Jakarta, a model approach to HIV prevention education and AIDS, Drugs and Sexuality, will be done through 3 model approaches, namely the integration of curriculum, local-content curriculum, and self-development
Road map mainstreaming HIV and AIDS, Drugs and sexuality in Papua have gained a positive supports from :
1. The Head of Reseach and Development and the Head of National Education Curriculum
2. Center in Jakarta
3. The Governor of Papua province
4. The Head of UNICEF Jakarta
5. The Head of UNICEF Papua and West Papua
6. The chairman of the national KPA and KPA of Papua province
7. The Leaders of private educational foundations based on religion
8. The Leaders of other government agencies in Papua province such as
9. BKKBN, Office of Empowerment of Women, Social Welfare Department, Department of Labor and etc.
Achievements of implementation of HIV and AIDS prevention programs, Drugs and Sexuality, through the education sector are as follows:
1. HIV and AIDS became one of the Strategic Plan missions of Department Education, Youth and Sports of Papua Province
2. Governor Regulation (PERGUB) of Papua Province about Development of unit-level education curriculum ( KTSP) and Education prevention of HIV and AIDS Prevention, Drugs and Sexuality
3. General instructions (guidelines) are provided in implementation of HIV and AIDS Education, Drugs and Sexuality of Papua Province for Department of Education in District / City and schools
4. Technical instructions (guidelines) are provided in Development of unit-level education curriculum (KTSP) and Education prevention of HIV and AIDS Prevention, Drugs and Sexuality
5. Development team of learning materials has been created for HIV and AIDS, Drugs, Sexuality through curriculum integration patterns, local-content curriculum, and self-development and formal or non formal education
6. Action Plan mainstreaming HIV and AIDS, Drugs and sexuality supported by UNICEF is composed through Education sector 2010 to 2013
7. Master Trainers (facilitators) is supported by UNICEF and Department Education in Provincial and District level are available for HIV and AIDS prevention education, Drugs and Sexuality-based on Life Skills Education (LSE), at the provincial level as many as 9 people, while 35 people for districts or cities.
8. Periodically, Department of Education in District / City, organizes art contests, including paintings, speeches, poetry readings, drama of HIV and AIDS Drugs and Sexuality for students
9. Regular meeting of Peer Education at the provincial and district / city sponsored by UNICEF and Department Education, Youth and Sports of Papua Province
10. There are average 6 Master Trainers of peer educator based on Life Skills Education are available in four districts / main cities: Biak, Mimika, Jayapura and Jayawijaya
11. The number of Peer Educators currently are more than 1000 people in Tanah Papua
12. Indonesian teachers association ( PGRI )is very active to advocate and influence teachers to prevent HIV and AIDS, drugs and sexuality trough elementary schools, junior high schools until senior schools whether vocational schools or non-formal education. Also, PGRI is working together with International Teachers Organisation
Mainstreaming action plan of HIV and AIDS, Drugs and Sexuality Education Cooperation between Department of Education, Youth and Sport of Papua province with UNICEF, is as follows:
* Finalization of Governors Regulation (PERGUB) of Papua Province about Development of unit-level education curriculum and prevention education of HIV and AIDS, Drugs and Sexuality.
* Finalisation of General Guidelines draft and the Technical Guidelines ( JUKNIS ) mainstreaming of HIV and AIDS Education, Drugs and Sexuality
* Development of HIV and AIDS learning material through integration patterns of learning strategies, local content curriculum and self-development based on life skills education.
* To improve the quality of master trainers and facilitators of life skill education both in province and districts / cities
* To improve the number of trainers through TOT life skill education based on prevention of HIV and AIDS, Drugs and Sexuality
* To Improve the effectiveness of partnerships with other stakeholders in accelerating HIV and AIDS prevention, drugs and sexuality through education sectors
* To develop prevention program of HIV and AIDS, Drugs and Sexuality for youth through sports activities in cooperation with soccer academy.
* To improve the competence of school principals in managing prevention education of HIV and AIDS, Drugs, and Sexuality at school environment
* To improve the competence of educators and educational staff in mastery educational learning material of HIV and AIDS, Drugs and Sexuality
* To increase participation of school committees, school communities and other educational stake holders to support the implementation of HIV and AIDS prevention education, Drugs and Sexuality
Mainstreaming HIV and AIDS, Drugs and sexuality in Papua province will be pursued through 5 pillars of education development
A. Education for All
B. Education Development
C. Training Educators and Educational staff
D. Partnership and Advocacy
E. Policy and Management System